Winter 1: Week 2

<< Random Winter 1: Week 1 — Spin The Wheel Spring 1: Week 1 >>

Let’s start week 2 with the infants Aria and Blaze. The first two of Britany’s children, they spend most of their times on these playmats or near each other. Britany doesn’t have cribs for them as she’s saving money for their toddler beds and other toddler items.

Britany does take care of their needs but Britany never has time for anything else, including cleaning up the bottles or changing diapers.

She struggles to take care of her needs too. Britany second guessing herself a lot lately. Can she really handle these two children? How did she ever want 5 children? Everything she thought about her family and what she wanted is being second guessed.

Even though the infants don’t get too much attention from Britany, they are together all the time. Keeps the kids socializing and building some of their milestones.

They are quite content little infants right now. Now they aren’t always like that though.

Britany received her first house bills and they were only 25 dollars as she’s able to save money on power and water.

Britany is so tired all the time, she’s tired doing regular tasks. No matter how many days she works from home, she’s always tired.

Aria and Blaze says their first words to each other. They picked up words from Britany when she’s around them but they have been learning social interactions from each other.

Britany passed out right after work, since the infants kept her up late the night before. Britany prefers to go into the office, as the infants go to daycare instead of needing her all day.

Aria peed all over Britany and Britany doesn’t look too happy about it. Aria looks like she might have enjoyed filling her diaper while in Britany’s arms.

Blaze learned to blow kiss to his sister.

Aria copied Blaze shortly after. It’s so cute!

Tina Tinker stops by with a gift for Britany. She gave Britany a fabricated plumbing upgrade, which Britany loved and couldn’t wait to use on her next plumbing project. She thanked Tina for the wonderful gift.

Aria learned to play peekaboo by accident. It’s the last infant interaction for the twins as it’s time to age up. They age up on their own as Britany is exhausted. She took the day off to sleep and it allows the twins to stay home and age up.

Aria is an angelic toddler that hates bedtime. She will have the irresponsible character value when she’s a young adult. We will start to see this behavior as early as toddlerhood. The rest of her personality will develop as she interacts as a toddler, in the next season.

Blaze is a silly toddler that doesn’t like to be carried (which is great for Britany), loves to sing and can sleep through anything. He will be working on Uncontrolled Emotions character trait that we will see being built as a toddler until he’s a young adult.

Blaze throws temper tantrums, bites and hits his sisters and others. Daycare struggles with his behavior sometimes. Aria puts up with it so far, but she will likely fight back sometime soon.

Aria likes to make messes, and can be destructive when she wants. She may seem like an angelic toddler, but below the surface she’s causing the drama and destruction.

Blaze and Aria have a difficult relationship now that the personalities have started to emerge. It doesn’t help that their behaviors are overlooked or not seen by their mom. Can’t learn to be good if no one is there to teach it to you. Especially as toddlers, when they don’t know any better yet.

With all the messes the little ones are making, Britany spends time cleaning them up at night when the kids are sleeping.

It’s Family Day! The kids want to play with toys and have a great day together. But it’s just a normal day for this family as Britany doesn’t want to spend the day at home. Would rather be at work or working on her skills.

After work and daycare, the twins come home stinky so she bathes both of them.

Britany received a phone call from her twin sister, Tiffany. Apparently Tiffany got herself into some trouble with the law and was sentenced to many years in jail. She has a little girl, she’s hoping that Britany will raise as her own. She doesn’t know who the father is exactly and Britany is the only family they have. Their parents died when they were teens but the sisters have never been close. The death of their parents, put even more of a wedge between them. Britany can’t leave her niece with strangers, so she agreed to take her.

Welcome to the family little Rosalie Griffin. Hopefully this little infant will fit in with her kids.

Rosalie is a cautious infant who has a good appetite and is a feeding tinkler. The rest of her personality will wait until next season.

On the last evening before leaving the family, Britany set the grill on fire while making grilled fruit. She did get the fire under control pretty fast.

This is the end of week 2 with the Griffin’s. We have two toddlers getting into everything and causing mischief and have adopted an infant too. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and we’ll see this family on the next rotation.

Let’s move onto the next family, the Logans!

Winter 1: Week 1

<< Princess Winter 1: Week 2 — Random Winter 1: Week 2 >>

Welcome to the first chapter of the Random Legacy Challenge with Britany Griffin. I’m going to recap the rules for this generation.

Britany needs to remain single, have both her own and adopted 5 kids. Britany is required to work and earn money from Civil Engineering – Civic Planner. Her Generation Goal is Deadbeat Parents and Miscellaneous Fun is Seasonal “Fun”. For more details on what those two mean, check out the introduction page.

Let’s start Week 1 with Britany…

For this family I decided to start them in Evergreen Harbour, for something different and to be nearby the community lots I had taken from the lilsimsie save. I really like those lots so I made sure to place them in this world. Should help with Britany’s job and others along the way.

Britany moved into this house made out of old shipping containers. There isn’t much in the house but it’s a great place to build upon.

Britany has always dreamed of having a babies and having a large family. She grew up with only a sister and wished for more siblings all the time. Though she wants children, she doesn’t want to be tied down to anyone, so she’s hoping to have her babies through science but she has to find a solid and handsome partner first.

Britany heads to the balcony of the second floor to use the grill and get something to eat even though it’s 4AM! After grilling and eating, Britany lines up a new job for herself as a Junior Draftsperson in the Civil Designer career. Afterwards, she heads to bed to get some more sleep.

We start off with New Years Day and Britany isn’t much into the holiday herself. She might go do some of these activities but not full of excitement about today.

Britany set up neighborhood plan to greenify the area a bit so she doesn’t have to see garbage wherever she goes.

She made a resolution too. To get a promotion at her career, which shouldn’t be too hard.

Britany heads to the Community Centre to do some woodworking. She creates a knife block for fun, she’s also here keeping an eye on potential partner for her first baby.

Britany meets a man named Peter Biggs while she tries out the other crafting stations. He seems like a really nice guy! They start talking together and find they have some things in common. This leads them to talk more and start to grow a friendship.

Spending more time getting to know him. Britany had so much fun with Peter, it’s been a long time since she laughed so much. Britany and Peter become best friends after spending so much time together.

Britany goes to her first day of work!

After work, Britany heads to the Community Centre to play chess. She can’t afford any of these fun items quite yet. She will have to rely on the community centre to help with her skills.

It’s Snow Day today! Every winter at least one day has to be a snow day. No work or school so Britany and Peter head to a park to play in the snow. They build snow pals, make snow angels, go skating and have a snowball fight.

Then they spend time learning to ski and snowboard and they weren’t always successful! But it was a lot of fun for the season and Britany was happy to be able to do this even if she couldn’t afford to decorate her place too much.

Britany wants a Simmi capsule from the vending machine. She likes the one she got and plans to get more on their next visit.

Before heading home, they stop at the hot springs. They both seem a little awkward in the hot water together.

After an eventful day and some chatting between to the two of them at Britany’s house, she asks if he would be the father of her science baby. He says yes and Britany is so happy! Soon there will be a baby on the way that she can love and care for.

Britany went into labor and had TWINS!! Not what she was expecting, and neither was Peter. She says she will handle this and is hoping it won’t be to hard to raise two at the same time.

Welcome to the world little Aria and Blaze. Aria was named after air/wind and Blaze is a fire name.

The only way she can tell the two apart is their outfits as they look very similar right now.

While the babies are being looked after by Peter, Britany heads to the community lot again to work on fabrication needed for her work assignment. She wants to keep up with her work but easier to do it from home with the little ones right now.

Peter gives Britany a gift! He bought her some rare plant seeds.

The twins have aged up on their own. Now Britany has two wiggly infants to take care of.

Makeovers for Aria and Blaze. Now you can see that Aria has blue eyes and hair of her dad but may have more in common with her mom as she ages. Blaze has his mom’s eyes, but looks more like his dad right now. Aria is a wiggly infant that has a good appetite, frequently sneezes and is a free air tinkler. Blaze is calm infant who is a free air tinkler too and a self soother.

Britany got her first promotion in the career. She’s so proud of herself for working from home and getting the promotion while raising the twins.

Britany loves to read and play chess so it wasn’t hard for her to complete the first level of her aspiration.

Britany takes care of the kids needs before they had out for the day. Britany doesn’t have work so she is heading to the community centre and bringing the infants with her. She can’t afford to put them in daycare for days she’s not working.

Packs up both kids and takes them to the lot, Blaze on her back and Aria in her arms.

They made it to the community lot.

There is a perfect space for the two little ones to hang out by the fire. Britany leaves the kids here and starts working on different projects she wants to do.

Britany makes another knife block to improve her handiness skill and plays chess to improve her logic.

While Britany is doing her thing, the infants have fallen asleep on the playmats by the fire.

I added this picture of the ladder and Blaze since I didn’t know you could do this. I figured I couldn’t get them downstairs without teleporting, but I was wrong.

This is the end of week 1, Britany had her first two of five children and starting to build them a great place to live. She is working on career and promotions.

Let’s see what next week brings…


Welcome to the Griffin Family

I enjoy playing random legacies so let’s see what we start out with for this generation:

Family: Mixed Single

Children: 5

Generation Goal: Deadbeat Parents – The heir, spouse and helpers may not help their children this generation, apart from basic needs like food and autonomous chatting over dinner. This includes helping with homework, mentoring or encouraging children in skills, and reading books to them. For toddlers, it is permitted to provide basic care such as food and diaper changes, but try to avoid any parent-child interactions that raise a skill bar, such as flash cards, reading books, potty training and so on. Some autonomous talking is okay – the parents are deadbeat, not abusive. But do not deliberately train the communication skill. Children may teach themselves. Each child should age up to YA with at least one negative character trait.

Miscellaneous Fun: Seasonal “Fun” – Each season you must decorate the sims house & wardrobe according to the season, as well as do something like a party or group outing to celebrate the season.

Job Requirements: Civil Engineering – Civic Planner

Ok so now that we know what is planned for this generation, let’s meet the founder of this random legacy…

This sim was originally part of one of my attempts at 100 baby challenge years ago. I like the way she looks, very unique so I thought she would be great for a random legacy.

Her name is Britany Griffin, she is randomized to have the following traits: recycle disciple, paranoid and cheerful. She has the nerd brain aspiration.

I’ve never played a deadbeat parent who does very little with their kids in all my sims play. So this might be a little hard to do but I’m willing to try and have them do very little with their 5 kids! Why do I keep rolling so many kids in these games!?!?!

Let’s see how well I keep her away from her kids and let them raise themselves.